Monday, April 11, 2011

I welcome old age

I have recently grasped that when it comes to my professional life, I am pretty fearless and hard-core. Just the other day I stormed into the SASCO offices demanding an interview after struggling for days to get a single quote for an article. You see, SASCO is very passionate for what they believe in, and I admire them for that but man! they are unprofessional. Anyway, after they tried one last attempt to bullshit me, I insisted that they arrange for their Chairperson to come in and talk to me. My persistence even surprised me. An hour later I walked out of the office, now friends with the Chairperson and just the right quotes I needed. You see, when it comes to politics, you need to be firm and fearless. Those guys will do anything to dodge us journalists.

But what I am trying to get to is that when it comes to my personal life, I am riddled with fear. I am actually quite embarrassed about it. When it comes to things in my life that are real I tend to squirm. I am terrified of rejection, pain and isolation. This then leads to me being insecure thus sprouting more fear. It is a vicious cycle, I am telling you.

I yearn: To be able to tell those I love how much they mean to me. But I am scared of being foolish; To tell that person that even though we agreed on having ‘no strings attached fun’ I now have feelings and wish I could rather walk away. But I am scared of being lonely; To let go of friends who instils more harm due to their superficial ways and insecurities. But I am afraid of seclusion; To let my former lover into my life again. But I am scared of humiliation because only he knows my ‘crazy.’ To apply for a job in my field. But I am scared they will tell me I am not talented enough to be what I have dreamt of being; And finally to be able to ask for something as simple as a number after an amazing date because I would love to get to know him better. But I am afraid of rejection. Deep down, I wish all of the above would sort themselves out, but alas, things don't always move in the direction I hope for.

All of these scenarios of me ending up looking like a coward makes me cringe. How can one person be so scared of such simple things? I should rather be living with my head buried in a hole. Now, I am totally blaming all of these insecurities on my age. I know there is this mass obsession with being young and how amazing it is. But the saying, ‘youth is wasted on the young’ is totally true. Us, the youth has this unnatural craving to fit in. This is why we spend so much time in gyms, at clubs, on social networks and class (I joke, I joke!). For me being young is probably my biggest vice. Don’t get me wrong, I am not wishing my youth away, I am just looking forward to my matured years where I am completely secure and I am scared of [almost] nothing and I will stop being such a ‘moffie.’

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My own online portfolio

With this year being my final year at varsity it only means one thing: I need to start setting up my portfolio and CV and send it to various job openings. So I thought it well to use this blog site (who has been so tremendously good to me the last few months) to set up my own online portfolio.

In this blog I showcase all of my work in various publications. It shows some of my favourite articles, comment pieces and photos. So please go check it out and share any comments and/or suggestions. I need to know what should be improved. It is going to be what represents me, so I need it to be nothing more then amazing.

So without further adieu, I present to you

Ryno Ellis

Friday, April 1, 2011

Like moths to a glitter ball [I hate April...]

This morning I came across an article [click here for it] where the executive mayor of Cape Town, Dan Plato is very concerned about the high concentration of gay people in the Gauteng area. His solution to this problem is to lure the gays to Cape Town to sort out the “uneven demographics.” He insists that this is purely a solution to a serious crisis and it has nothing to do with the local elections taking place in the near future. Also that it is a well-known fact that gay people tend to vote for the DA and Cape Town appreciates every additional DA vote they can get. But Oh No, Mr Plato is just so concerned about a tilting scale and cannot imagine Johannesburg having too many gay people. Having such high concentrations of gays might just hinder the balance and could possibly lead to the rest of the population being eaten alive by every hungry gay man they pass. I can just imagine it. It'll be like scenes from Zombieland with the Vodacom tower in the background and a bunch of well-groomed guys feasting on a young and innocent Afrikaans boy… turning him too! No sorry, I agree with Plato, send us all to the Cape. Now! The ramifications of too many gay men in Gauteng are just too horrific!

Now let’s be serious again, I am not as shocked that Plato thinks he could herd gay people like cattle to the Cape, but it is the way he’s herding us that is just so funny. If a gay couple would agree on moving to Cape Town he will offer to pay for their wedding (up to R80 000 nogal! Now that is A LOT of sequins and feathers). Also part of the benefits of moving to the Cape (as if not living there is beneficial enough) is free housing, free visits to your favourite salon/hairdresser and wait for it… free sushi. It is like they have tapped into the average homosexual’s mind and found all our weaknesses.

Now, for me this argument has three parts to it. Firstly: If they knew us gay men so well enough to offer us all the stereotypical things that make us so gay then they would have known that any gay man would just pick up and leave to go live in the Cape without any need for incentives. Cape Town is like the New York of South Africa and every newbie would give their left testy to move to the place where the grass is greener and where shallow sexual experiences await. Secondly: It is all a waist. Why waist all that money? There are people in our country with no transport (and it is a much bigger issue then you would think), no housing or food. Why feed the rich? And on top of that, why feed them sushi? And then why let them stay for free in ‘lanie’ areas like Camps Bay, Green Point and Clifton? Has Plato never driven past a shanty town where people build their shacks around a dead donkey’s carcass? They need the money and education more than the average smitten gay couple. Thirdly (This issue is very close to my heart): Mr Plato, why would you want to take away all the DA voters from Gauteng? You are already living the good life in the DA governed Western Cape, handing out free haircuts and sushi. Let us still have a glimmer of hope on this side of the continent. Do you want the ANC to rule forever and completely fuck us over? You sick sadist!